First and foremost - I hope you all have a special someone in your life to share this day with. I personally don't believe that you should need a specific day to show you love but it sort of a good excuse to mix up the daily grind with a little something different.
Then, get out there to your local Walgreens, Walmart or any store that may have left over Valentine Day candy and pick up some bargains for caches. Those heart shaped tins are great. Now with all that energy and calories that you need to burn off from the sweets, do a little hike and start a new cache in the name of your main squeeze. After all, from the Geocacher's point of view, what says love more than a long lasting cache for the world to find. Sweet, right?
I will leave you with this
little song, especially for those who can't be with the 'love of their life' today, from Crosby, Stills and Nash.
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