Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Arboris #3 with Olivier Rouet

     There is the hobby of geocaching and then there is the extreme sport of geocaching.  When you read the adventures of Olivier Rouet, aka War Cat, there is no doubt which he practices. 

     Here's one that I feel is worthy of sharing.  Hidden July 22, 2012, it's a fresh one and to date, only retrieved 5 times. 
Check it out.  This is, complete with photos and translations.
Arboris #3

Difficulty: 3 out of 5Terrain: 5 out of 5 Size: Size: small (small)

Je vous propose une petite série de 5 caches T5 pour lesquelles le matériel de grimpe est nécessaire :

- Une corde de 60 mètres minimum.
- Baudrier, casque, bloqueur, descendeur, pédale, poignée, mousquetons, etc...
- Bigshot, cordelette, petit sac lesté.

La cache est située à 20 mètres du sol. Soyez très prudent !
A l'issue de la série de 5 caches, vous pouvez insérer sur votre profil le logo ci-dessous :

  Oserez-vous relever le défi ?    Bon amusement et bon géocaching !

 I propose a small series of 5 caches T5 where the climbing equipment is required:

- A rope of 60 meters minimum.
- Harness, helmet, blocker, descender, pedal, handle, snap hooks, etc. ...
- Bigshot, cord, small bean bag.

The cache is located 20 meters above the ground. Be very careful!

At the end of the series of 5 caches, you can insert on your profile logo below:

                      Do you dare to challenge?
                   Have fun and good geocaching!

Here is what Olivier Rouet has to say on his Facebook page.
 Cela fais plus d'un an maintenant que j'ai tiré le frein à main question Geocaching, et que je retarde volontairement le cap des 6000 caches trouvées en ne loguant plus que les caches qui me plaisent vraiment, s'il en fallait une, ce sera celle-là, un bon 20 mètres plein vide.. "que du bonheur"
Si cette cache pouvait se résumer en un mot, ce serait "Bandant"

 That do more than a year now that I pulled the handbrake issue Geocaching, and I deliberately delaying the course of 6000 caches found in no more than logging in caches that I really like, if any were needed, it will be this one, a good 20 meters full empty .. "a real gem"
If this cache could be summed up in one word it would be "Mind Blowing"

     I will be tracking down the others in this series to share in the future.  And I will continue to live vicariously through cachers like War Cat.

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