Robert McNeece January 11, 2013 8:37 PM
Prison History
The prison accepted its first inmate on July 1, 1876. For the next 33 years 3,069 prisoners, including 29 women, served sentences there for crimes ranging from murder to polygamy. The prison was under continuous construction with labor provided by the prisoners. In 1909, the last prisoner left the Territorial Prison for the newly constructed Arizona State Prison Complex located in Florence, Arizona.
On the S*W*A*G Yuma Event coin you will find the Wagon used to transport the prisoners. Also is the main look-out tower located on the top portion of the coin. Just above the tracking number your will find the Main Gate entrance to the Yuma Territorial Prison. A piece of history and a part of Yuma, hope you enjoy!
There you have it. For more info on the coin, check out the earlier post, Attention Geocachers - Mega Event Coin.